Thursday, April 29, 2010

Peter Pan

Lance Cpl. Nahrwold (possibly Cpl. Nahrwold)

- Born at the stroke of midnight 3 years and 10 days before me

- Knows how to drive a zamboni (not well)

- Has the family brand on his arm

- Went to the caribbean and taught a Jamacian named Derise how to shoot a gun

- And now he's home

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My lady friends

Work is somethin else.

Mostly because I work with a bunch of 6 year olds. No, we're not breaking child labor laws. These 6 year olds are trapped in 40+ year old bodies...

I work for American Greetings. I wish I wrote the cards but we just build the fixtures that holds the cards like so...

You would think this to be a boring job. And it would be if it wasn't for the 6 ladies and 1 guy I work with.

Quote of the day...
"Let's dissect the word congenital. What does con mean? It means non, right? Well, so congenital means you have non-genitals right?"

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Missionaries

These are my brothers.

- Elder Kelton Cotterman - Manila, Philipines Mission
- Elder Brice Natter - Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Mission
- Elder Justin Thomas - Sao Paulo, Brazil Mission
- Elder Paul Nahrwold - Perth, Australia Mission
- Elder Matthew Lusty - Guatemala City North, Mission
- Elder Zeek Tyler - Jackson, Mississippi Mission
- Elder Austin Lukens - St. Louis Missouri Mission
(Not Pictured)
- Elder Trevor Steffensen - Goinia, Brazil Mission
- Elder Casey Ashby - Osorno, Chile Mission.

These are my best friends and they are my heros.

And so it begins...

Here I am. Starting another blog. But this one will be successful.

I really should get into the habit of writing things down. I occasionally keep a journal but sometimes forget. This should help at least a little bit :-)

These next three months should prove to be very action packed. So I hope this will help me remember it all and enjoy it more. Who knows...

But when I go on my mission in three months I will be emailing my parents pictures and voice recordings so keep checking back while I'm gone so you can stay connected. :-)


2 Nephi 4:16
"Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard."