Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My lady friends

Work is somethin else.

Mostly because I work with a bunch of 6 year olds. No, we're not breaking child labor laws. These 6 year olds are trapped in 40+ year old bodies...

I work for American Greetings. I wish I wrote the cards but we just build the fixtures that holds the cards like so...

You would think this to be a boring job. And it would be if it wasn't for the 6 ladies and 1 guy I work with.

Quote of the day...
"Let's dissect the word congenital. What does con mean? It means non, right? Well, so congenital means you have non-genitals right?"


paige. said...

oh hollie. that angel. paul, my suggestion is to shout out clever poems in hopes that a hallmark recruit is anywhere near the card isle. i know that if i was a hallmark recruit i would definitely hang around that isle. it's worth a shot.

Paul Nahrwold said...

Hallmark is the devil.