Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Crossfire of Heaven and Hell

Brandon Flowers

The band 'The Killers' hold a special place in my heart. Their songs all have deeper meaning, and trying to figure out what they mean is like looking at a rubik's cube for the first time. Many people see it and just pass. They say, that's not for me. But when I listen to their songs something in me just connects with them. The songs are personal to me and many of them represent special moments in my life. Both good and bad. But no matter what mood I'm in I can listen to The Killers and feel better.

I first heard about The Killers from my brother and his friends. We were driving around and I wanted to hear more from this band. Then their next album 'Sam's Town' came out and I fell in love. I later learned that the lead singer, Brandon Flowers, is LDS. That added a new dimension to their music. As I listened closer a lot of the lyrics sounded more important.

"I’m gonna climb that symphony home and make it mine
Let his resonance light my way
See, all these pessimistic sufferers tend to drag me down
So I could use it to shelter what good I’ve found"

-Sweet Talk

It's little things like that that make me smile. Maybe none of their lyrics are supposed to mean what I get out of them. But I listened to an interview with Brandon once and he said, "It's special when each person can take the song and apply it to their lives." This is exactly what I do. Each song has a specific meaning to me and it's how I interpret it. It makes it special.

The Killers decided that spending years touring on the road was a little much and they decided to take an extended break so that they wouldn't break up. They'll be back together within the next year and a half. But Brandon wasn't quite prepared to be away from music so long. So he decided he wanted to come out with a solo album. The first single from it called 'Crossfire' debuted only a few days ago. It's an absolutely beautiful song.

"Tell the devil that he can go back from where he came
His fiery arrows drew their beat in vein
And when the hardest part is over we'll be here
And our dreams will break the boundaries of our fear
The boundries of our fear"

Brandon has done it again. I love the new song and I'm so glad I got to hear it before I leave. :-)

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